Danise C. Fairchild Z1

Danise C. Fairchild
Danise C. Fairchild was appointed to the Claverack REC Board of Directors in February 2013, where she currently holds the position of vice chair.
The Zone 1 director represents members in the following townships: Albany, Asylum, Herrick, Standing Stone, Stevens, Terry, and Wyalusing in Bradford County.
Dr. Robert R. Faux Z2

Dr. Robert R. Faux
Dr. Robert R. Faux was elected to the Claverack REC Board of Directors in July 2008.
The Zone 2 director represents members in the following townships: Clinton, Eaton, Exeter, Falls, Lemon, Monroe, North Moreland, Noxen, Overfield, and Tunkhannock in Wyoming County; and Exeter and Franklin in Luzerne County.
Angela S. Joines Z3

Angela S. Joines
Angela S. Joines was appointed to the Claverack REC Board of Directors in July 2012 and currently holds the position of vice secretary/treasurer.
The Zone 3 director represents members in Hop Bottom Borough and the townships of Clifford, Gibson, Harford, Jackson, Lathrop, and Lenox in Susquehanna County, as well as Benton Township in Lackawanna County.
Gary L. Hennip Z4

Gary L. Hennip
Gary L. Hennip was elected to the Claverack Board of Directors in 2015 and currently holds the position of chair of the board.
The Zone 4 director represents members in the following Bradford County townships: Athens, Litchfield, Orwell, Pike, Rome, Sheshequin, Ulster, and Windham.
Robert W. Fearnley Z5

Robert W. Fearnley
Robert W. Fearnley of Montrose was elected to the Claverack Board of Directors following a special election in February of 2019.
The Zone 5 director represents members in the boroughs of Friendsville and Little Meadows, and in the townships of Apolacon, Choconut, Forest Lake, Jessup, Middletown, and Rush in Susquehanna County, as well as Warren Township in Bradford County.
Timothy T. Tewksbury Z6

Timothy T. Tewksbury
Timothy T. Tewksbury was appointed to the Claverack Board of Directors in September 2019 and currently holds the position of secretary/treasurer.
As the Zone 6 director, Tewksbury represents members in the following townships: Cherry and Colley in Sullivan County; Braintrim, Forkston, Mehoopany, Meshoppen, North Branch, Washington, and Windham in Wyoming County; and Tuscarora and Wilmot in Bradford County.
Charles R. Bullock Z7

Charles R. Bullock
Charles R. Bullock was elected to the Claverack Board of Directors in July 2007.
The Zone 7 director represents members in the following townships: Auburn, Bridgewater, Brooklyn, Dimock, and Springville in Susquehanna County, and Nicholson in Wyoming County.
Charles R. McNamara Z8

Charles R. McNamara
Charles R. McNamara was elected to the Claverack Board of Directors in 2010.
As the Zone 8 director, McNamara represents members in Franklin, Great Bend, Harmony, Liberty, New Milford, Oakland, and Silver Lake townships in Susquehanna County.
Anthony J. Ventello Z9

Anthony J. Ventello
Anthony "Tony" J. Ventello of Towanda was voted to the Claverack Board of Directors in July 2019.
The Zone 9 director represents members in the following townships: Burlington, Canton, Franklin, Granville, Leroy, Monroe, North Towanda, Overton, Smithfield, Towanda, West Burlington, and Wysox in Bradford County. Additionally, McNett and Union in Lycoming and Tioga counties (respectively) are represented by the zone 9 director.