Claverack offers a wide variety of options for paying your bill.

By mail

You can send your payment by regular mail for the cost of a stamp. Our address is: 32750 Rt. 6, Wysox PA 18854


You can pay your bill online by using our secure online bill portal. Access the login page with this link SmartHub login or use the Pay Bill icon found on our homepage; this will direct you to SmartHub. You can also download the SmartHub app to your mobile device - just search SmartHub (Utilities) in the App Store or Google Play Store. No fees apply.

For helpful setup instructions, please visit

Check or Credit/Debit Card by phone

You can pay your bill over the phone by calling 1-855-940-3871. You must provide your account number or the phone number listed on your account. You will also need your 4-digit PIN; if you don't know your PIN, please call 1-800-326-9799 for help. No fees apply.

PAiD Plan

You can sign up for our automatic payment option and have your payment taken directly out of your checking account, savings account or charged to your Visa/MC on your payment due date.

The PAiD (Payment Automatically Drafted) Plan is a great way to pay your bill. It saves you time, checks and stamps. It also ensures that your payment is never late.

If you would like to sign up for this program, visit SmartHub on our website and click on the following: Billing & Payments/ Auto Pay Program.  You will see your Claverack account(s) listed.  Choose the green hyperlink for the account you wish to enroll in Auto Pay, and then enter the account information you wish to use to automatically pay your bill on the due date each month.

If you do not have access to the internet or you don't care to set up your PAiD Plan via SmartHub, you can request for a PAiD application to be mailed to you by calling our office, or you may print it at home by selecting the links below.  PLEASE NOTE: this option will only allow payments from checking or savings accounts.  

PAiD Brochure (outside - information only)

PAiD Brochure (inside - form to be printed and returned)

IMPORTANT!  Notice to members currently using a debit or credit card:  

Claverack employees can no longer make changes to your credit or debit card on file.  Any updates to card numbers or expiration dates must be made by the member via the SmartHub application. You can access your account directly from our homepage.

Please call us at 1-800-326-9799 or 570-265-2167 if you have any questions.