Many members have called to inquire about the way to request a new electric service. Please use the following checklist to guide you through this process. We hope that this makes a more pleasant experience for you during your service installation.

To replace an existing service:

  1. Determine which part of your service needs to be replaced. (You own the service entrance cables, the meter base and usually all of the wiring and equipment below the meter base. See our service specifications below for more details.)

  2. Make arrangements with a qualified electrician to perform the work.

  3. Call the engineering department to schedule a disconnect so that your electrician can replace the needed components while your service is de-energized.

  4. Remember, do not allow anyone to cut your meter base seal, as you may be liable for a $500 tampering charge.

  5. Make arrangements with the engineering department at 1-800-326-9799 for your reconnection when your electrician has completed the work. (The first trip is at no cost to the member, and the second trip, if needed, is $50)

  6. Most electrical service work requires an electrical inspection prior to reconnection. You should coordinate the inspection so that your disruption of service will be minimal.  Call your local municipality or use the link below to find an approved inspection agency in your area.

To install a new service:

  1. Determine what type of service you need such as: underground, overhead, pole service, etc. See our service specifications below for more details.

  2. Call the cooperative at 1-800-326-9799 to request a new service. A $250 non-refundable design fee is required at this time. We will also need the seven-digit number of the Claverack pole nearest your proposed service location.  Pole #____________________________.

  3. Meet with the assigned field technician at your site to discuss the placement of your equipment and our poles and lines. (Our required lead time for this appointment is often several weeks.)

  4. After meeting the field technician, Claverack will mail you any forms or other documents requiring completion. All applicable paperwork, including easements, membership application, etc., must be completed and returned along with payment of any aid-to-construction costs prior to Claverack scheduling the project for construction.

  5. Have a qualified electrician install your service. We will have a Claverack construction crew set any new poles and lines that are needed.

  6. Have your new service inspected. Call your local municipality or use the link below to find an approved inspection agency in your area.

  7. Call our office at 1-800-326-9799 to schedule your service connection.


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